Save 10% when enrolling in our Full Maintenance Program
Our Full Maintenance Program is the starting point if you are working with both modern and vintage machines, or want a solid foundation for business or career development.
This bundle features all of our current programs for troubleshooting, routine maintenance of both modern and vintage machines, restoration of older machines, motor service & rewiring, Featherweight Service, and business tools to build your business.
BONUS: Includes 12 months EXTRA membership FREE.
These programs do not include timing adjustments for any machines or major repairs to modern machines, timing programs available separately. Some machines restrictions apply.
2-payment Plan Available!

Remove Your Covers
This program is more than just taking off the needle plate and cleaning around the bobbin - this is permission to SAFELY and properly remove the appropriate covers of your modern sewing machine to clean and lubricate, just like service technicians do. This extends the life of your machine and computer components, and when done routinely, your machine should only have to go to the shop if truly needed.
Remove Your Covers + Basic Hook Timing
This offer gives you all the benefits and extra programs as Remove Your Covers, but the added benefit of our new Basic Hook Timing program.
Basic Hook Timing is the most common of all timing adjustments, great for home sewists that need to make this adjustment, and the starting point for business or career skill building.
Those enrolled in Basic Hook Timing will be eligible for upgrade into the Advanced Timing & Adjustments program in January 2025.
Vintage Sewing Machine Mastery
Our hybrid program gives you a broad education with our on-demand library, but we also host weekly and monthly sessions to address hurdles specific to each person and machine, dive deep into specific areas of sewing machine issues, and enjoy the company of others with a common interest. You not only have two human experts, you have an entire community of supporters in this program!
BONUS: Also included is our Vintage motor service & rewiring program, valued at $199. Paul will personally guide you through any motor or rewiring issues you encounter, never go at it alone!
Vintage Sewing Machine Mastery + Basic Hook Timing
This offer gives you all the benefits and extra programs as Vintage Sewing Machine Mastery, and the added benefit of our new Basic Hook Timing program.
Basic Hook Timing is the most common of all timing adjustments, great for home sewists that need to make this adjustment, and the starting point for business or career skill building.
Those enrolled in Basic Hook Timing will be eligible for upgrade into the Advanced Timing & Adjustments program in January 2025.
Bonus: FREE motor service & rewiring program (normally $199).
Business School - monthly subscription
For those curious, considering, starting, building, or scaling a business - join us for the real talk of all aspects of business possibilties.
Live Industry Night Zoom call every Friday night to collaborate and learn from others and get help with where to start and how to keep growing.
$7/month until you cancel, fully hosted in a private Facebook Group at this time.
Troubleshooting like a Professional Technician
This workshop is built for you to self-diagnose your sewing machine, to find the error, correct it, and keep on sewing. It walks you through the EXACT same procedures used in our professional service shop every day to diagnose issues on a customer's machine, correct them, and keep them sewing. This could save you weeks of waiting and money spent on a repair you didn't need.
Please note that this program is not completely built, many improvements are being made.
Singer Featherweight & 301 Service
No need to leave your precious with a stranger! The Singer 221, 222, and 301 models are the most simplistically designed machines ever made! Furthermore, they were made with the intention that they be serviced and cared for by the owner of the machine.
This program offers a full range of on-demand video and learning modules to walk you through all the procedures of servicing and maintaining your machines, including cleaning, lubricating, polishing external parts, motor belts, removing the hook, motor service, electrical rewiring, and more. Expert guidance and support from a LIVE, human expert is included.
FREE How to Use Your Featherweight & 301
Let us walk you through using your Singer Featherweight (all models) or 301 - for the first time, or for continued guidance!
We'll everything from bobbins, bobbin cases, threading your machine, inserting a needle properly, sewing and reverse, balancing tension, and even some troubleshooting.

Full Maintenance Program
Our Full Maintenance Program is the starting point if you are working with both modern and vintage machines, or want a solid foundation for business or career development.
This bundle features all of our current programs for troubleshooting, routine maintenance of both modern and vintage machines, restoration of older machines, motor service & rewiring, Featherweight Service, and business tools to build your business.
BONUS: Includes 12 months EXTRA membership FREE.
These programs do not include timing adjustments for any machines or major repairs to modern machines. Some machines restrictions apply.
Basic Service Program
Our Full Service Program offers all the programs and benefits as the Maintenance Program, but with Basic Hook Timing
Basic Hook Timing is the most common of all timing adjustments, great for home sewists that need to make this adjustment, and the starting point for business or career skill building.
Those enrolled in Basic Hook Timing will be eligible for upgrade into the Advanced Timing & Adjustments program in February 2025.

Advanced Timing & Adjustments
Go beyond maintenance and move into full service!
In this program, you'll learn the fundamentals of timing adjustments including hook timing, hook/needle clearance, needle bar height, and feed timing. You will also learn other adjustments such as needle position, zig zag set points, feed dog height, parabola, and more.
This program will be available in February/March 2025. Remove Your Covers will be REQUIRED to register for this program.

Serger & Overlock Maintenance
Sergers need love and care, usually more often than sewing machines!
In this program, you'll learn to safely remove the dovers of your serger, remove all of the lint and debris, remove any old lubricant, re-lubricate, and check for any issues, replace the blades, and more!
This program will start beta testing in May/June of 2025. Current students of Remove Your Covers & Vintage Sewing Machine Mastery will be offered early enrollment at a discount.

Serger Timing & Adjustments
This advanced program will teach you timing fundamentals in sergers and overlock machines including: Upper and lower looper timing, needle bar height, needle/looper clearance, feed timing, feed dog height, and other standard adjustments.
This program will start beta testing in late 2025; Remove Your Covers for Sergers will be required before enrollment.
Questions? Get in touch with us.
No one has ever offered programs like ours, let us know now we can help decide your learning path.