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Virtual sewing machine service training for the home sewist

Featherweight & 301
Full Service Program


The Singer Featherweight (and 301) was specifically designed for you to easily service and maintain.  "But where do I start?!"

Sewing Doc is ready to offer you this
EXCLUSIVE, new-style learning experience

so that you are never going at it alone!

We'll teach you the SDOCS method, the EXACT same procedures we use

in the Sewing Doc professional service shop. 

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Imagine what it would be like, just a short time from now, to have all your machines up and running… and potentially that of your friends as well! 



No more waiting for a service shop

No more driving hours each way if you don't have a trustworthy technician in your area


Instead, you will be able to clean, lubricate, and make minor repairs to machines to get them running and keep them running with legitimate skill, confidence, and PURE JOY!

How it Works


Login and work through the on-demand library modules

Our on-demand library will walk you through the entire process step-by-step.


If you already have some experience, you can pick and choose just the modules you need for a specific skill or step in the process.

  • Setting up your work space, proper chemicals, proper lubricants, tools you'll need

  • Cleaning and lubricating inside the machine

  • Fixing or replacing broken parts

  • Seized machines - how to get them moving again

  • Cleaning the exterior and polishing parts

  • Fixing and rewiring foot pedals

  • Motor service and extensive rewiring

  • Balancing tension and correcting sewing issues

  • And so much more!!!


Email the instructor when you are stuck, feel overwhelmed, or just need some support.  

The absolute most valuable component of our programs is that you always have the support of two professional experts to help you when you are stuck or need additional help.  We help you via our email, one-on-one Zoom calls, and posts in our private Facebook & Community groups.


This takes away guesswork and failed attempts - no more scouring YouTube or Facebook groups looking for answers!


Offer your services to your community through side business or retirement income, or volunteering yourself

More often than not, we find that folks enjoy working on machines so much that they tend to branch out beyond just caring for their own.


Offering your services to your community doesn't mean you need to open a service shop! If you decide you might like to have a small business, we'll guide you through the same processes we use in our professional shop.

What's my investment?

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  • One-time payment, NOT a recurring fee!

  • Access to all modules and information FOR LIFE!

  • All upgrades, improvements, and expansions included!

  • Discounted consultation options for diagnosis and repair!

  • Lifetime access to our Business Tools program ($199 value)

What service fees in our shop

Basic routine service - $82 + parts


Functional restoration (average) - $225


Motor Service - $80-200


Electrical Rewiring - $25-200


Who is Sewing Doc?

Hey there,

I'm Andi Barney of Sewing Doc machine service and repair, and Sewing Doc Academy.  I'm a master technician and I've owned and operated my own service shop for over 15 years now.  I started just like you, curious and a little intimidated, but now I couldn't imagine my life without sewing machines!

Paul Barney is our electrical, motor, and restoration specialist and frequently leads in-depth learning sessions in these areas.

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Questions?  Message us & we'll get back to you ASAP!

Thanks for submitting!

You have Questions, We have Answers....

Q:  Do I have to pay a fee every month?

A:  NO!  You pay the class fee ONE time, and you have the on-demand videos for life.  


Q:  When does the workshop end?

A:  This is the best:  it doesn't!  It lasts forever… or as long as you need it to!  There is no end or timeline for the on-demand course, so you jump in any time and come back to it any time you need to. 


Q:  Who is this workshop for?  Can just anyone take it?

A:  Yes!  This course is for anyone interested in learning to clean, lubricate, and restore Singer Featherweight and 301 machines.  Young, old, retired, people that work full-time, people that are just curious, hobbyists, people with lots of machines, people that only have one machine, people wanting side/retirement/full-time income.  Everyone is welcome!


Q:  I'm not good with tools, will I be okay taking this class?

A:  YES!  If you don't feel confident using tools, I promise, you're going to be okay in this course.  I wouldn't have considered myself "mechanically inclined" when I first started working with machines, either.  Many of us are, and we just don't know it yet.  There is actually very little done with tools in the class.  This workshop will be a source of empowerment and confidence for you, I can promise you that!  In my live classes, I've had ladies insist that they bring their husband because they were too afraid of the tools, but I encourage EVERYONE to give it a try, because I promise you, you can do it.


Q:  What machines are covered in this course?

A:  This workshop covers ONLY the Singer Featherweight 221, 221k, 222k, and Singer 301 models.  The information in this workshop DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER BRAND OR MODEL OF MACHINE.


Q:  If I have an issue with a machine, can I contact you for help?

A:  Your enrollment does include a specific allotment of private consultation with the instructor via Zoom, email, or chat.  An email address will be provided for you when you need to schedule a time.  If you need additional consultation outside of what your plan offers, Sewing Doc Academy offers a reduced rate when needing to schedule a consultation.


Q:  Will this course teach me to service other people's machines?

A:  The short answer is YES!  The beauty of this workshop is you will, with time, learn everything about this machine from top to bottom.  These amazing machines are rare in that the ONLY way for the timing to slip is if parts are installed incorrectly or someone "monkeys around" with something causes a misalignment.  The service of these machines is much less complex than most sewing machines, so as you learn from this course, you will absolutely have the capability to lend your services to friends, family, and your community.  And trust me, there is a market no matter where you are!  The best part?  You will always have access to the course material and instructor when you run into issues.


Q:  I don't live in the United States, can I sign up for this course?

A:  Sewing Doc is working on getting set up to open this course up for participants in other countries, so this is coming soon!


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